RSE s.r.o. and MWM Intensify Cooperation for Central and Eastern Europe (CEE)
Schwaz, December 2, 2024
At the 4th International Exhibition & Conference REBUILD UKRAINE Construction & Energy, RSE s.r.o, a leading manufacturer of distributed cogeneration equipment from Brno, Czech Republic, and MWM from Mannheim, Germany, signed a key account agreement to deepen their cooperation. The conference in Warsaw, Poland, brought together national and international leaders to discuss the reconstruction of the severely damaged energy infrastructure.

RSE s.r.o. is a relatively new formation of energy experts with more than 15 years of experience in the design and production of cogeneration modules, containerized power plants, and boiler equipment. RSE has made a remarkable start with its new production facility in Brno, Czech Republic, in 2023, constantly developing design and increasing the production capacity. In its search for reliable gas engine manufacturers, RSE found MWM to be the right partner and MWM gas engines to be the fitting counterpart for their state-of-the-art energy solutions.

As one of the leading manufacturers of distributed power equipment in the region, RSE produces containerized cogeneration units, heating and cooling modules, and even exhaust gas heat exchangers and boiler equipment inhouse. RSE is already able to produce up to 20 containerized and ready-to-use CHP modules per month. But that’s not all: RSE plans to double its production capacity by 2025 so that up to two fully equipped CHP plants can be completed per working day. The expertise and advanced engineering and manufacturing capabilities of RSE combined with the reliability and efficiency of MWM gas engines will help to cover the growing demand for distributed power systems in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE).

Cogeneration Power Plants: Produce your own Heat and Power
Cogeneration power plants are modular combined heat and power (CHP) solutions for the generation of heat and electricity. The advantage of CHP technology over the separate production of heat and power lies in the significantly higher utilization of primary energy. MWM stands for highly efficient combined heat and power plants for distributed power generation and has more than 150 years of experience in the development and optimization of gas engines for natural gas, biogas, and special gases.
Further information:
- Website RSE s.r.o.
- LinkedIn RSE s.r.o. *
- MWM gas engines and gensets
- MWM gas applications
- MWM events
- MWM in Eastern Europe and Central Asia
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