CHP plant with MWM gas engine supplies economical and eco-friendly CHP heat to 1700 Berlin households
Mannheim, July 6, 2015
The installation of an MWM TCG 2016 V16 C gas engine marked the June 19, 2015 launch of a very special cooperation agreement between the European energy giant Vattenfall and the housing development company Gewobag Wohnungsbau-Aktiengesellschaft Berlin, owned 100% by the State of Berlin. The cogeneration power plant (CHP) with a total output of 800 kW and two new heating boilers replaced six old gas boilers in a housing development in Berlin’s Reinickendorf district. For Gewobag, this has been the largest CHP project involving distributed energy produced by a gas genset.
Teamwork when integrating the MWM gas engine into the cogeneration power plant (photo: Vattenfall GmbH, photographer: Tina Merkau)
The centerpiece of the new cogeneration power plant: the MWM TCG 2016 V16 C gas engine. (Photo: Vattenfall GmbH, photographer: Tina Merkau)
MWM CHP plants: protecting the environment through efficiency
With the commissioning of the cogeneration plant, Vattenfall and Gewobag made an important inroads towards implementing their climate protection agreements with the State of Berlin. Thanks to the highly efficient and thus eco-friendly MWM gas engine, 600 tons of CO2 are saved each year. This brings the companies one step closer to their commitment of reducing their CO2 output by 50% up to the year 2020.
Gunther Müller, CEO VE Heat, Snezana Michaelis, member of the Gewobag Management Board, Christian Gaebler, State Secretary for Traffic and the Environment, and Frank Balzer, Reinickendorf’s District Mayor (from left to right), put the cogeneration power plant into operation. Students at the Humboldt Gymnasium’s “Climate School” (middle) assist. (Photo: Gewobag, photographer: Tina Merkau)
Electricity tax and power grid utilization fees eliminated
The plant provides some 1,700 households, two daycare centers, as well as several commercial operations with eco-friendly CHP heat. Tenants benefit from significant cost savings because fees such as electricity tax and power grid utilization fees are eliminated when using distributed electricity. Thus, operating the gas engine helps to keep residential utility costs consistently low.
The video (in German language) shows the delivery and setup of the cogeneration power plant by MWM’s partner SES Energiesysteme.
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(Video: Vattenfall GmbH)
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