MWM Hydrogen Power: Use of Hydrogen as Clean Fuel for MWM Gas Engines and Cogeneration Power Plants
Mannheim, March 28, 2022
As a climate-friendly alternative to fossil fuels, hydrogen (H2) is a key instrument to achieve climate neutrality in Europe by 2050. Green and blue hydrogen can be used as sustainable energy source for distributed power generation with gas engines. MWM gas engines can already be operated with natural gas with a hydrogen admixture of up to 10 percent. From Q4 2022, MWM will offer gas engines and retrofit kits for the TCG 3016, TCG 3020, and TCG 2032 series that allow the use of a hydrogen content of up to 25 percent.
Climate-Friendly, Efficient Operation of MWM Combined Heat and Power Plants with Hydrogen
MWM looks back on more than 150 years of engine building, always guided by a spirit of innovation. Today, MWM is one of the leading brands in the field of gas engines and power gensets and is highly competent with regard to the use of alternative gases such as biogas, sewage gas, and landfill gas for power generation purposes. For the energy transition and climate neutrality—which the European Union wants to reach by 2050—hydrogen is considered one of the key instruments to reduce emissions from energy generation on a long-term basis. Compared to fossil fuels, the carbon emissions of sustainably produced green or blue hydrogen are much lower. Distinction is made between green, blue, turquoise, and gray hydrogen. To achieve the climate targets and the energy transition, the use of green hydrogen as climate-neutral fuel and energy store is a must.
“Inspired by a clean future.”
Through the deployment of various MWM products and technologies in customer projects, MWM has gained extensive experience with a hydrogen content of up to 60 percent. MWM gas engines can already be operated with a hydrogen content of up to 10 percent and stand out with their high efficiency in distributed energy generation. MWM gas engines are capable of handling a hydrogen admixture of up to this percentage without any hassle and technical modifications.
For customers who want to invest in new engines for continuous operation, base load supply, or peak load operation, MWM will gradually introduce gas engines that can run on natural gas with a hydrogen admixture of up to 25 percent. This applies to the TCG 3016, TCG 3020, and TCG 2032 series. For customers who want to upgrade their plants for the use of hydrogen, MWM also offers retrofit kits for the gas engines of the TCG 3016, TCG 3020, and TCG 2032 series in order to enable a hydrogen admixture of up to 25 percent.
By developing and launching solutions that enable the admixture of hydrogen, MWM presents new opportunities and perspectives in the field of climate-friendly fuels. With its range of gas engines and products that allow the use of hydrogen, MWM supports its customers in reaching their climate targets and facilitates their transition to other fuels, boosts their operational efficiency, and reduces their emissions.
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