MWM keeping Jena-Pößneck warm
Jena-Pößneck, November 7, 2012
Jena TV reported on the renovation of the power modules in the cogeneration power plant operated by the municipal utility Stadtwerke Energie Jena-Pößneck. Two new natural gas engines from MWM are taking up where the old modules, which were in service for a total of 17 years, left off.
The plant, which combines the generation of electricity and heat (cogeneration) is powered by natural gas and supplies the surrounding community with 9 Gwh each of electricity and heat per year. The renovation will obviously pay off: The plant will consume 5% less natural gas than in the past. Find out more about the construction work in the following video clip.You can also watch it on our Youtube-Channel.
Source: Jena-TV
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