MWM Service Tutorial Video Series “Do It the Smart Way”: Episode 7 Shows Combustion Chamber Temperature Sensor Replacement on Gas Engine
Mannheim, June 4, 2024
The MWM service tutorial series “Do it the smart way” on the MWM YouTube channel * presents basic tips and help for the maintenance of gas engines. In the seventh episode of the video series, Alexander Klotz, technical trainer at the Learning Center Service in Mannheim, explains how to replace the combustion chamber temperature sensor on MWM gas engines, using a TCG 3016 engine as an example.
Removing the old sensor, installing the new sensor
The sensor measures the combustion chamber temperature in the gas engine. As the measurements are important to determine the exhaust gas values and the fuel consumption of the engine, the sensor needs to be installed and positioned correctly in order to ensure efficient operation. In the video, Klotz shows how to do this. After showing how to remove the old sensor, the video demonstrates the correct installation of the new gasket on the new sensor and the subsequent insertion of the sensor into the gas engine.

The German, French, Italian and Spanish version of the new MWM service tutorial episode showing how to replace the combustion chamber temperature sensor are also available on the YouTube channel “mwmgenset”. Chinese will be published shortly.
Episode 7: Replacing the combustion chamber temperature sensor
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All language versions of the video on YouTube: EN | DE | ES | FR | IT
Download Video: EN | DE | ES | FR | IT
(4 minutes, HD, 440 MB, MP4)
Further information:
- Seventh episode of the MWM video series “Do it the smart way” on YouTube *
- MWM YouTube channel “mwmgenset” *
- MWM gas engines and power generator sets
- MWM cogeneration power plants
- Total Plant & Energy Management (TPEM)
- MWM Learning Center Service
- Overview of MWM gas engine spare parts
* You can use the link to leave the MWM website and reach the external website of another provider (Google Ireland Limited). The data protection regulations of this provider apply there and cookies may be set by this provider. This is beyond our control.
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