TCG 3016 V16
Gas Engine TCG 3016 V16
S = High Density
1,000 kW el
Outstanding price-performance ratio: Highest-in-class power density. High stress tolerance, optimum availability, and long useful life.
- Output: 1,000 kWel and 1,100 kWth
- Low investment and service costs, high electrical efficiencies of up to 41.1 percent
- Lowest-in-class lube oil consumption, high power density, small setup space
MWM Gas Engine TCG 3016 V16 (S = High Density) – One Megawatt.
More Performance at an Unbeatable Price.
- For all natural gas applications with 50 Hz networks
- Output: 1,000 kWel and 1,100 kWth
- Low investment and service costs, high electrical efficiencies of up to 41.5 percent
- High power density, small setup space
- Low plant investment costs ensure fast payback
- Lowest-in-class lube oil consumption, easy oil management through longer oil change intervals and integrated lube oil tanks
On this page
Description – MWM Gas Engine TCG 3016 V16 S
Performance Data – MWM Gas Engine TCG 3016 V16 S
Specifications and Service Intervals – MWM Gas Engine TCG 3016 V16 S
Brochure – MWM Gas Engine TCG 3016 V16 S
Description – MWM Gas Engine TCG 3016 V16
S = High Density
Outstanding Price-Performance Ratio
- Low investments and service costs, high electrical efficiency of 41.5 percent
- Fast payback period of CHP (combined heat and power) plant due to lower investment costs
- Compact genset with high power density and small setup space thanks to integrated lube oil tanks
- Vibration-decoupled base frame (flanged genset concept) for lower installation costs and reliable operation
Higher Availability and Longer Useful Life
- Optimized combustion through improved charging system
- TCG 3016 V16 (S = High density): smoothly running, low-vibration genset with reduced peak pressure fluctuations
- Improved turbo charger with longer maintenance intervals and wider suction air temperature window for a wide range of deployment options
Optimized Lube Oil Management
- Lowest-in-class lube oil consumption: 0.1 g/kWhel
- The large integrated lube oil volume and the low lube oil contamination for significantly longer oil change intervals and easier oil management
TPEM (Total Plant & Energy Management) – The New System for MWM Solutions
- Integrated system for genset, auxiliary genset, and plant control
- Intuitive use, local or via integrated remote access
- Well-structured, detailed status reports and log views
- Can be switched from parallel to isolated operation including network synchronization/load balancing
Further information on TPEM: Total Plant & Energy Management
Performance Data – MWM Gas Engine TCG 3016 V16
S = High Density
Natural gas applications, NOx ≤ 500 mg/Nm3*
TCG 3016 V16 S = High density | ||
Engine type | 50 Hz | |
Electrical output | kW | 1,000 |
Medium effective pressure | bar | 23.5 |
Thermal output ± 8% | kW | 1,123 |
Electrical efficiency | % | 41.5 |
Thermal efficiency | % | 46.6 |
Overall efficiency | % | 88.1 |
Power to heat ratio ** | 0.89 |
* With 5% O2 and dry exhaust gas
** The power to heat ratio is calculated by dividing the electrical efficiency by the thermal efficiency. Please remember that this is a theoretical value that may deviate from actually measured values.
Specifications and Service Intervals – MWM Gas Engine TCG 3016 V16
S = High Density
ADimensions and Weight
TCG 3016 V16 S = High density | ||
Engine type | 50 Hz | |
Bore / Stroke | mm | 132/160 |
Displacement | dm3 | 35.0 |
Speed | min-1 | 1,500 |
Mean piston speed | m/s | 8.0 |
Length | mm | 4,200 |
Width | mm | 1,780 |
Height | mm | 2,150 |
Dry weight genset | kg | 8,560 |
Service intervals
First Service * | Spark plug change | Cylinder head inspection | General overhaul | |
Natural gas | 2,000 Oh *** | 4,000 Oh | 32,000 Oh ** | 64,000 Oh |
* “after commissioning (E10)”
** “at the latest”
*** „gas quality High“
Brochure – MWM Gas Engine TCG 3016 V16
S = High Density
Further information on the TCG 3016 V16 (S = High density) gas engine is available here.
MWM Gas Engine TCG 3016 V16 S = High density
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MWM Digital Power
With its comprehensive digital power plant control TPEM (Total Plant & Energy Management), MWM revolutionizes the control standard for energy solutions.
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MWM Service Tutorial Video #1
Do it the smart way
Basic Maintenance Tips
Episode 1: Spark Plug Replacement
MWM Service Tutorial Video #2
Do it the smart way
Basic Maintenance Tips
Episode 2: Valve Clearance Adjustment