E70 Overhaul Successfully Completed: MWM TCG 2032 V16 Gas Engine Secures Energy Supply of Medical Technology Manufacturer HMD in India
Mannheim, May 13, 2022
Last year, Indian MWM distributor and service partner Green Power International Pvt. Ltd. performed an E70 overhaul at Hindustan Syringes & Medical Devices Ltd. The maintenance of the first TCG 2032 V16 gas engine from the medical technology manufacturer’s fleet was successfully completed within only three weeks. At HMD, the MWM gas engine generates power for the production of medical products such as single-use syringes, I.V. cannulas, and surgical scalpels.
Maintenance Ensures Ongoing Power Supply of Production Site
Hindustan Syringes & Medical Devices Ltd. is one of the world’s five largest manufacturers of single-use syringes and India’s largest manufacturer of auto-disable syringes, with subsidiaries in the USA and the UK. The MWM TCG 2032 V16 gas engine at the Ballabgarh site of the manufacturer of state-of-the-art medical devices was commissioned by Green Power in 2011 and has been in operation for more than 65,000 hours. The MWM gas engine of the CHP plant delivers 4.3 MW of power to cover the site’s ongoing power demand.

The MWM TCG 2032 V16 was the first engine from HMD’s fleet to be subjected to E70 maintenance. In the context of the general overhaul performed by Green Power, the engine block and the connecting rod were disassembled, and the pistons, liner, camshaft bushing, and main bearings were replaced. The crankshaft was also disassembled from the engine block, measured, and polished. The E70 maintenance of the engine was successfully completed within only three weeks.
Comprehensive MWM Service Offering for Hassle-Free Operation of Gas Engines and Plants
The E70 maintenance is a cyclical operating inspection of gas engines and cogeneration power plants that ensures the profitability and performance of CHP plants by means of professional maintenance measures. The maintenance and general overhaul of the MWM TCG 2032 V16 gas engine secures the full performance of the engine and ongoing power supply of the production of the medical technology manufacturer HMD.
With fully refurbished MWM X-Change gas engines, plants can be re-commissioned within a very short time for a speedy return to profitable operation. For this purpose, we refurbish used gas engines with original parts, restoring them to the state of the art. The service includes a 12-month warranty.
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