MWM Distributor Edina Reaches Impressive Milestone of 1 GW of Total Output Installed in the UK and Ireland
Mannheim, March 1, 2024
In 2023, upon signing a contract for the supply of a combined heat and power (CHP) plant with an electrical output of 800 kW, Edina reached the impressive milestone of 1 GW of total output installed with MWM gas engines. The CHP plant with a hydrogen-capable MWM TCG 3016 V16 gas engine has been in operation for a hospital in Northern Ireland since January 2024. The MWM gas engine generates heat and power for the hospital, covering the facility’s energy needs.
1 GW of installed total output with MWM gas engines in less than 17 years
“Congratulations on reaching 1 GW of sales in the UK and Ireland. Edina is one of the few distributors worldwide to achieve this remarkable milestone”, says Bart Myers, Senior Vice President of the Large Power Solutions Division of Caterpillar Inc., commenting on Edina’s work. “This achievement results from Edina’s customer focus, strong sales and service approach, and a high-quality product that continues to provide value to the customer throughout the life cycle.”

Edina has been an authorized MWM distributor for MWM gas engines in the UK and Ireland since 2006. The company is a recognized provider for gas-fired CHP plants, flexible reserve generation, standby generation, and since recently, system-integrated battery energy storage systems. The company received its first order for the installation of an MWM gas engine in 2006. Back then, Edina delivered and installed a CHP plant with an electrical output of 3.9 MW for the Leeds General Infirmary in the UK. This plant produces heat and power for the hospital and other university buildings in the vicinity. The CHP plant reduces the hospital’s energy costs and improves the reliability of its power supply.
More than 650 gas engines installed in more than 350 distributed energy generation projects
“To achieve such an important milestone in under 17 years is a testament to our staff, our longstanding relationship with MWM, and notably our customers who have trusted Edina to improve their energy and sustainability goals, many of whom we are still supporting to this day”, says Hugh Richmond, CEO of Edina. So far, Edina has successfully rolled out more than 350 distributed energy generation projects, installing more than 650 MWM gas engines. The projects have been realized in the fields of food and drink, pharmaceuticals, plastics, greenhouses, commercial buildings, district heating, data centers, hospitals, sewage treatment, waste management, and energy generation.
MWM congratulates Edina on this special milestone and would like to thank the company for the long-standing, close collaboration.
Further information:
- MWM gas engines and power generator sets
- MWM cogeneration power plants
- Edina website
- MWM web message: Energy center and work of art: MWM distributor Edina delivers third MWM gas engine for power supply of University of York
- MWM web message: Flexible energy supply in UK: More than 300 MWM gas engines in distributed power plants secure stability of the national power grid
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