Beer Production at Lofty Heights

MWM Generator Set for Power Supply of Brewery Huari in Santiago de Huari
The brewery Huari, located approximately 350 km from the capital La Paz, on the Altiplano in the Andes, had placed an order with MWM for the delivery of a new power generator set. However, the thin air at an altitude of 3,742 m above sea level would make the adjustment of the turbocharger tricky.
Another obstacle that would have to be overcome was that the low air pressure would make the engine output much lower than expected, while the existing engine room was too small for a more powerful MWM engine. A new technical concept was required: The lower output was eventually compensated in a satisfactory manner by using the exhaust heat from the cooling water and exhaust gas. The brewery needs large amounts of heat in order to prepare the cold spring water for the brewing process. Previously, the water had been heated with electricity. After clarifying various technical specifics of the location, the brewery management agreed to the new solution.
The efforts were rewarded with a little treat: After work, we made a day trip to the historical Inca site in Tiahuanaco with its sun gate and ceremonial courtyard. In remembrance of the project, the company also gave us a pewter jug adorned with old Inca symbols.
MWM History. Future Needs Tradition.
More about the history of the company, the MWM brand and the experience in developing and optimizing stationary gas engines.
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