Company Choirs of MWM and Klöckner-Humboldt-Deutz AG Thrill Audience in Mannheim

Technical Concept Presented by MWM Prevails over Competitor Concepts

The large KHD-DEUTZ choir of almost 100 singers in the factory courtyard

In 1987, following the acquisition of the shares in Motoren-Werke Mannheim A.-G. (MWM) and Süddeutsche Bremsen AG, Munich, by Klöckner-Humboldt-Deutz AG (KHD), the Deutz parent company organized a celebration for employees from both companies. The event took place on the company premises in Mannheim and in the large hall of the Mannheim Rosengarten. The event was accompanied by the choirs of KHD and MWM.

Both choirs had been founded independently in 1946. The MWM choir comprised nearly 20 employees, each of whom sang a specific vocal part as a soloist. The KHD choir consisted of 100 to 120 employees. On the said occasion, the latter demonstrated a sample of its skills on the company premises in Mannheim. On the same day, the choir also delivered an evening performance in the large hall of the Mannheim Rosengarten. The smaller MWM choir also thrilled the audience in the hall with numerous well-known folk songs. The audience enthusiastically applauded the performances of both company choirs.

The MWM choir in the large hall of the Mannheim Rosengarten


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Picture credits:

Photograph: The large KHD-DEUTZ choir of almost 100 singers in the factory courtyard, Norbert Eisinger
Photograph 2: The MWM choir in the large hall of the Mannheim Rosengarten, Norbert Eisinger