Engine Enthusiasts Impressed

Memorable Plant Tour in Mannheim
A Special MWM Moment of Norbert Eisinger
Many technology experts liked my book about the history of the engine factory Mannheim-Neckarstadt from 1883 to 1998. The book especially drew the attention of the engine enthusiasts of Interessengemeinschaft Historische Motoren (IGHM; Interest Group Historical Engines). As the time passed, I received several inquiries as to whether it would be possible tour the engine factory in Mannheim. I liked the idea, but I wasn’t sure whether it would be possible.
Well, it was! I sent my request to Caterpillar Energy Solutions in Mannheim via Ingrid Rosner, who served as management secretary. As I had hoped, the management answered with a clear “Yes”, though with a restriction. For organizational reasons, the number of participants was to be limited to 20, so not all of the approximately 300 IGHM members would be able to attend.
We were informed that the tour, which was going to be organized by the plant, could take place on August 24, 2017.
The agenda for the tour was as follows:
1 p.m. – Arrival, snack organized by Ingrid Rosner (yummy!)
1:30 p.m. – Company presentation by Frank Fuhrmann and Aljoscha Kertesz
2 p.m. – Guided tour of the plant by the said gentlemen and Dieter Ruckert
3 p.m. – Question round in the company’s large conference hall
About 3:30 p.m. – End
The 20 IGHM visitors greatly enjoyed the hospitality with the delicious snack, the detailed presentations, the tour of the plant, and especially the MWM museum. The special event had a long-term effect: The visit to Caterpillar Energy Solutions in Mannheim left a lasting impression on the technology enthusiasts.
MWM History. Future Needs Tradition.
More about the history of the company, the MWM brand and the experience in developing and optimizing stationary gas engines.
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