Unveiling of successor to MWM motorhorse

Motorhorse remains one-time MWM development
MWM sold about 500 units of its “motorhorse”, the world’s first tractor with a diesel engine, in five successive versions from 1924 to 1932.
A new three-cylinder diesel engine (RS 16-D/DS 16-D) with direct injection and an output of 35 to 40 hp had been designed for the successor tractor (SR 30/SR 130). The new tractor was tested extensively for both agricultural and industrial use. Advertisements had already been placed in the press, and brochures and sales documents had been prepared. Surprisingly, however, the company management suddenly halted the project.
The reason for this was a strategic move: The company management had decided not to include any tractors in the MWM production portfolio. As the further business performance of MWM in subsequent years impressively showed, the associated decision to concentrate on producing diesel engines was a wise one.
MWM History. Future Needs Tradition.
More about the history of the company, the MWM brand and the experience in developing and optimizing stationary gas engines.
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Picture credits:
Image 1: MWM SR 30/130 tractor, photograph dated August 9, 1929 (courtesy of Norbert Stolz)
Images 2 and 3: International Motor Show Berlin 1931
Image 4: SR 30 tractor (steel wheels), SR 130 tractor (rubber tires), DS 16-D engine in the tractor
Image 5: Test drives with the MWM SR 30 tractor (courtesy of Norbert Eisinger)